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Albert Einstein Fellowship

      Every year Einstein Forum, in collaboration with Daimler and Benz Foundation, select an Albert-Einstein Fellow and furnish the fellow with an opportunity of realizing a research project outside the scope of their previous work. The intention is to promote young universalists who – just like Albert Einstein – distinguish themselves through interdisciplinary commitment in addition to their outstanding achievements in a specific scientific field. The scholarship also covers a sojourn of about half a year’s duration in the Einstein’s summer home in Caputh.


      According to Einstein, Caputh was a place where one could be lazy (sei ein gutes faules Tier) and not give a damn about the world (pfeif auf die Welt) and just get lost in the research of fundamental sciences. Einstein deliberately chose this remotest place, in the middle of the woods and near the lake. He would take his boat and go on for sailing in the morning and meet many scholars which include "Max Born, Rabidranath Tagore, Erwin Schrödinger, Gustav Bucky, Paul Ehrenfest, Felix Ehrenhaft, Abraham Flexner, Philipp Frank, Fritz Haber, Otto Hahn, Gerhart Hauptmann, Alfred Kerr, Erich Kleiber, Käthe Kollwitz, Max von Laue, Heinrich Mann, Walther Nernst, Franz Oppenheimer, Max Planck, Ruggiero Ricci, Anna Seghers, Arnold Sommerfeld, Leo Szilard, Chaim Weizmann, Eugene P. Wigner, Arnold Zweig."


From Albert Einstein: 


"The sailing ship, the distant view, the lonely walks in autumn, the relative silence, it is paradise." - Albert Einstein, 1929


"Although I am a typical loner in my daily life, my awareness of belonging to the invisible community of those who strive for truth, beauty, and justice has prevented me from feelings of isolation.” ― Albert Einstein to Konrad Wachsmann, the architect of Einstein summerhouse at Caputh.


"Sei ein gutes faules Tier,
Streck alle Viere weit von Dir.
Komm nach Caputh, pfeif auf die Welt,
Und auf Papa, wenn Dirs gefällt."


Come and be a lazy lout,
put up your feet and lie about.
Come to Caputh and forget all the
rest, including your papa,
if you think it best. — Einstein to his Son Eduardo, 1931



My activities as a fellow


   Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, I couldn't physically start my fellowship right away at Einsteinhaus as originally awarded and could only start my fellowship the next year. But I have arranged the following virtual talks with notable personalities during the lockdown (thanks to the kind support of the director of Einstein Forum and the friendly supportive staff). Watch this space for updates! 















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